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Study: Fair Use Contributes Trillions to U.S. Economy (Wired.Com)

YouTube Headache: Furor over Fuhrer Videos (CBS News)

U.S. groups slam anti-piracy accord's draft text (Washington Post)

'Gray Market’ Import Fight Gets Hearing at U.S. Supreme Court (Bloomberg BusinessWeek)

Musicians deserve to be paid for use of their work(Washington Post)

Company sues over name of Stratosphere’s SkyJump attraction (Las Vegas Sun)

Jay-Z suing David Ortiz over nightclub name (Boston Globe)

Court rule on Ebay and Microsoft cases (Financial Times)

Apple sued by Elan Microelectronics over touch-screen technology (Times Online)

Drive Gene Debate: Duke Study Says Claims Staked on Genome Could Derail Promise of New Technology (Wall Street Journal)


article_thumbnail_w100_h100_157Civic Learning through Practical Law 
by Lee Arbetman
November 2, 2009 
Civic learning in the U.S. teaches the fundamental ideas of American democracy and prepares young people for the rights and responsibilities of self-government.  The essence of civic learning is a blend of relevant content, critical skill development and a commitment to participate in civic life to improve our communities and our country. Read more

article_thumbnail_w100_h100_40Street Law Conducts IP Training in Baltimore
September 24, 2008
Street Law staff traveled to Baltimore, MD, September 19–20, 2008, to train teachers from California, New Jersey, and Virginia to teach about intellectual property law. The training brought together teachers from several disciplines, including language arts, science, social studies, and technology. Read more

article_thumbnail_w100_h100_46'Pirates of the Internet' Is New Class Lesson
December 13, 2004
The industry's effort to educate children too young to appreciate the potential consequences of downloading music, video games or a Hollywood blockbuster comes with this message: "You may think you're anonymous, but you're not. You may think it's legal, but it's not. And you may think you're not hurting anyone, but you are." Read more

article_thumbnail_w100_h100_39Students Get Lowdown on Illegal Downloading
October 21, 2004
More than 100 high school students from Maryland, Virginia and the District who participated in an educational forum at the U.S. Department of Justice that addressed intellectual property theft. Students from four area high schools volunteered to take part in the six-hour forum. Many students said their perceptions about downloading music, movies and computer software changed after hearing U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. Read more

Getting the Word on Intellectual Theft from the Top
October 21, 2004
Many of them had heard the lectures from authority figures before: Don't illegally download songs and games from the Internet because people make their livings selling those products, stealing is a crime, every crime has unseen consequences, and so on. Read more





Educating to Protect Intellectual Property (ePIP) was created with funding by grant 2009-BE-BX-0001 from the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
, the U.S. Department of Justice, and supported by the International Trademark Association and the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc.

Copyright 2024 Teach Democracy (formerly Constitutional Rights Foundation) and Street Law, Inc.